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Monday, June 6, 2022

Remembering the Sandy River Spey Clave, and Spey Moses

This is the intro to a presentation I gave at the legendary Sandy River Spey Clave.  I really miss this event, as it was a gathering of some really special folks in the fly fishing industry.  Jonny Hazlett took me to my first one, and it was instrumental in my growth as a spey caster for which I am forever grateful.  On top of being able to try every rod and reel on the market, meet and mingle with awesome people, and drink alcohol hidden in coffee cups, a highlight was watching the best in the industry give killer presentations.  It featured the true icons in the spey world with folks like George Cook, Scott O'donnell, Simon Gawesworth, Mike McCune, Charles St. Pierre, and other characters who I am grateful to have become mentors and great friends with over the years.  

The 10 Commandments of Spey presentation I gave is not on the level of those dudes, but I was hoping to do something a little different that would be both humorous and instructional.  Not sure if everyone found it to be either, but it here it is...

Intro at the Sandy Clave:

here is a preview for the presentation from 

and here is a video of the very first appearance of Moses demonstrating a spiral spey on the Upper Rogue River...

and a pedestrian snap t

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